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How To Pass Your Waterfowl Hunting Passion to The Next Generation

Those who aren’t lucky enough to have a passion for hunting can’t understand hunters. And some people who don’t know any hunters think that’s something you’re born with, which is 100% false.

Passion for waterfowl hunting is passed, not magically earned by birth. Older hunters pass their knowledge to younger generations. It’s common for a hunter to have a son who shares his love for nature. Sometimes people get inspired by local hunters and become the first in their family to try the hobby. Then, years later, they pass the torch to their kids.

But don’t think that igniting a hunting flame in someone is simple. It may take years. And it might go off. But that’s less likely to happen if you follow the tips below.

Teach Them To Respect Nature, Not Just Take From It

Some people (we won’t call them hunters) think the goal of flooded timber duck hunting is to erase every trace of life in the area.

Real hunters don’t kill because of the killing. They don’t love nature only during the season. Pass that to your kids and students.

Real nature lovers live in harmony with nature all year round. They know there are many offseason waterflow projects to be done. And if they can make someone interested during the boring time of the year, keeping them interested during the season will be easy.

Taking hunting trips to different environments is also a perfect way to ignite the hunting fire in someone. Instead of spending every day in the area you know as the back of your hand, visit something different. Something new. People from the whole country book guided snow goose hunts in Tennessee to make memories.

And an additional bonus… The more nature you and your prodigy see, the more love you’ll have for it.

Be Careful With Hunting Stories

One mistake many older hunters love to make in front of their younger colleagues is to brag. It’s one thing to tell the hunting stories. But when those hunting stories include more dragons than Game Of Thrones… People either get mocked, or something terrible happens.

It creates false expectations when people brag in front of their children. Later, when they try to fill their shoes, they spend a lifetime trying. And if you combine that mistake with the next one… You can be sure you won’t nurture a good, happy hunter.

Don’t Get A Nervous Breakdown Every Time They Miss

Every hunter occasionally misses. Sometimes those are so embarrassing that friends tease them for months. But it’s not the same if you’re a proven hunter and a rookie. Experienced Waterfowl hunters won’t take the jokes personally.

Beginners might… Especially if someone they admire mocks them.

And an even worse scenario is getting angry if they miss. No one misses a duck on purpose, especially not when they want to impress someone. You must understand that rookies can’t have the same skill level as you do.

What they need to have is a desire to learn. And that comes from a passion for nature, competing with animals, and being around you. Don’t ruin your chance to create beautiful memories in the future because you can’t keep your cool.

Be Patient

Patience and preparations are two pillars of waterfowl hunting. You can teach your kids (or prodigy) what to do at every moment of snow goose hunting… They can do everything right… And when the moment comes, they may freeze. Don’t cross them over because of that.

Give them time. Be in nature as much as you can. Take trips. In other words, spend quality time together, and you don’t have to worry about your passion. Its flame won’t go off.

If you’re already planning the next waterfowl season, put guided duck hunts in Tennessee on your list. People love Reelfoot Lake and everything it offers.

23-24 Season Photos

Flooded Timber